1960 Born in Zagreb, Croatia (former Yugoslavia)

1966 Enrolls in elementary school at Ivan Gundulic in Zagreb

1967-1974  Observes and learns from Croatian Painter Nicola Reiser

1974   Gold medal in National youth art contest/exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Novi Sad

1970   Enrolls in middle school at IB School Krsnjavoga in Zagreb

1974   Enrolls in secondary school at Klasicna Gimnazija Zagreb

1975 - 1979  Studies with Croatian painter Nicola Reiser and art historian Zdenka Bernardi

1977  Painting of the peasant uprising of 1573, wax technique on cotton cloth (batique) is included in the collection of the Muesum of History of the City of Zagreb

1978  Lives in London for the summer months where she is immersed in the current art,music and pop scene meeting artists like Bob Geldof, Chrissy Hynde, Peter Blake. She is encouraged by friend and fellow artist Fedor Dzamonja to pursue illustration and painting

1978  Enrolls in University of Zagreb to study languages and comparative literature, while continuing her drawing and painting studies with Reiser

1980 - 1982 attends Gerogetown University (creative writing and comparative literature)

1982 - Works in production at graphic design department of St. Petersburg Times in St. Petersburg, Florida. Moves to United States

1983 -1988 - Continues to work as graphic designer and art director at a design studios and advertising agencies in Florida, Texas, Alabama and Colorado, while continuing to study fine art at Texas State University, Southern Methodist University and Academy of Visual Communication at SMU

1987 - Works at Celluloid Studios in Denver, painting animation cells in pastel, becomes intrigued by the pastel medium and embarks on personal exploration of the medium; paints several animated segments for The Children’s Television Workshop (Sesame Street)

1988 -1991 Works at Vermilion Design as Senior Art Director and Creative Director, using her artistic and illustration skills for many of the projects; wins several awards for her designs and illustrations (ADCD, AIGA, CAI )

1988 Moves to Boulder, CO and begins studying Tibetan Buddhism and meditation; begins painting daily, making her art part of a rigorous routine, not missing a day. Through the practice of meditation Krizmanic discoveres a new relationship to her perceptions and begins to enjoy free and meaningful expression through painting

1989  Naropa University offers Krizmanic her first solo exhibition

1989 - 1992 - Exhibits in group and individual shows in Denver and Boulder, CO

1991 - Marries Peter Volz and moves to Nova Scotia, Canada. First daughter, Emilia is born

1992 - 2003  Exhibits annually at MacLaren Markowitz Gallery in Boulder, CO

1992 - present  Exhibits annually at B. Deemer Gallery in Lousiville, KY and Phil Secord Gallery in Halifax, Nova Scotia

1991- present   Illustrates a number of children’s books for American and Canadian publisher (among them One Day a Stranger Came, Annick Press; Vegetable Soup, Scholastic; How I Survived Being a Girl, Harper Collins; Iliana, Wide River Press

1991 - 1996   Volunteers as a translator and transition coach to the refugees from former Yugoslavia arriving to Canada through Red Cross; creates and donates a number of paintings to benefit victims of rape camps in Bosnia and Serbia; works with her aunt, a well known author and clinical psychologist in Croatia, to raise funds for field offices and war victim centers in Croatia.

1994 Second daughter, Katja is born

1994 - 1997   Teaches illustration and design at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

1995  Included in the collection of the Mimara Museum in Zagreb, Croatia

1995  Included in the collection of the Whitney Hadley Museum in Lousiville,KY

1996 Included in collections at two Croatian Embassies - Tokyo and Washington D.C.

1996 Collaborative exhibit of porcelain sculptures and applied ceramics with potter Mindy Moore at Phil Secord Gallery in Halifax, Nova Scotia

1997 Included in the collection of the Museum of the City of Vukovar, Croatia; Returns to Boulder, Colorado and teaches painting at Naropa University

1998 Exhibits in a number of group exhibitions in US and Canada

1999 Solo exhibition at the University of Porec Zucatto Gallery

2000 Included in group Mother and Child exhibition at Kunst Museum Aahlen, Germany

2000-2010 Participates in a number of group and individual exhibitions in Canada, US, Europe and Japan

2000 - 2015 Krizmanic completes thirteen 100 day meditation retreats which influence the direction of her work

2001 - Suffers a traumatic brain injury while bicycling in Boulder, CO. Recovery takes a significant amount of time during which she cannot paint due to nerve and hand damage. Krizmanic explores abstract painting. These experiments result in several bodies of abstract expressionist work. 

2003 Third child, Anton is born

2007 Krizmanic spends time on Cape Cod where she paints and exhibits at several local galleries

2007 Marries photographer/entrepreneur Sasha Meyerowitz

2009 Public art exhibit at Republic Plaza public art space in downtown Denver, Colorado

2010 Exhibits for the first time large scale abstract work at the Boulder Dairy Center for the Arts 

2011 Visits Nepal and Bhutan, creates a series of paintings based on Buddhist rituals and dances

2013 Extensive retrospective exhibit at the Museum of Loveland, CO

2013 Co-founds Wilderness Dharma Movement, an organization with a mission to guide meditation retreats in wilderness; spends 10 days with WDM in Canyon De Chelly in Navajo Nation, Arizona - the period results in a series of oils, landscapes and narrative figurative paintings based on the mysterious landscape and Navajo legends and personal stories

2015 - present  Exhibits in Croatia again with a series of oils and pastels at Vapor Gallery on the island of Korcula in Southern Croatia 

2016 Moves to New York City and begins work on a series of paintings with a more gestural, abstract direction, while still maintaining faithful to her poetic figurative style

2016 Joins The Creative Resistance and We Make America groups and creates work for political campaigns, and local and  national protests

2017 creates a key painting Lotus Pond Diver and a subsequent series of paintings based on the exploration of the subconscious

2017 - present  Begins exhibiting at new galleries on the East Coast of US and in the American Southwest

2018 Spends several off-season months on the outer Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Seeking to capture the atmospheric charge and exquisite rough beauty of the cold months by the sea, Krizmanic creates a series of oil paintings “Ocean Rhapsody”; Krizmanic moves into a new studio in Brooklyn. The industrial area on the edge of the NY harbour proves to be a fertile ground for explorations for new works in oil. Work on a series of city interiors in oil and industrial landscapes continues.

2019 - present Krizmanic teaches annual contemplative art workshops Terra Magica Immersion in her native Croatia 

2020 -2023 Krizmanic studies with Max Ginsburg at the Art Students League of NY and continues exhibiting new work online during the pandemic 

2023 - January - group exhibit at Van Der Plas Gallery

January - present studies with modern realist painter Sharon Sprung

June - December Exhibition of new work at Vapor Gallery, Korcula

May - October Exhibition of new work at Tomislav Maslać Art Gallery