Day 4. Morning meditation, followed by breakfast. After breakfast we will gather for a trip up coast where we will visit the Basilica in Poreč, a UNESCO heritage site. We will bring our watercolors and work around the medieval city of Porec (Parenzo).  Weather permitting we will arrive and depart Porec by boat and will use the time to quick sketch and watercolor the towns and nature along the way.

Day 5. Morning meditation, followed by breakfast. The class this morning is a guided studio class, dedicated to painting and applying the newly learned skills of observation and expression, along with the practical painting and drawing skills. Afternoon, following lunch, is devoted to profound deepening of your artistic expression and skill. This day will be the crucial point in our workshop - the day we begin to move toward the final painting and strive to apply all of the skills learned in previous days, while staying open to the possibilities of new ideas and creativity coming through. Afternoon will be open and participants can dedicate it to further exploration, quiet contemplation and work on their final pieces.


Days 6,7 and 8. Morning meditation, followed by breakfast. After breakfast, studio class and one on one instruction until lunchtime. In the afternoons we will take short trips along the coastline, on one of the days to the village of Vrsar where Tatjana learned to paint and spent much of her childhood years. We will sketch and paint along the way, stopping for a coffee and cake break. As we travel and explore we will apply our newly acquired skills of observation and sketching, keeping in mind the applications to the final painting for the last day’s exhibition.


Day 9. Morning meditation, followed by breakfast. The class this morning is a guided studio class, helping us to polish what we learned about painting and finalize our retreat. It is devoted to collective observation, learning from sharing our experiences and a final question and answer session. We will prepare our pieces for exhibition before dinner when we will hold a small vernissage (preview of the work) at a public venue in Rovinj, giving us a chance to experience what an art opening looks like from the artists’ side and an opportunity to speak about our work with each other and our guests. The show will be followed by a group farewell dinner.

Day 10. Morning meditation, followed by breakfast and farewell.